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What are the main differences between the regular license and the extended license?

In simple terms, the main difference is that under the regular license, your end product (incorporating the item you’ve licensed) is distributed for free, whereas under the extended license your end product may be sold. Of course, if it was all that simple, we’d have a one sentence license, so please do read the licenses and the rest of these FAQs for more details! If you’re a freelancer, you are allowed to create an end product for a client using the regular license and charge them for your services – see the FAQ below.

Please note that our Music Licenses allow for both free and paid uses. The following FAQs in this section on free versus paid uses do not apply to our Music Licenses. For more information on the Music Licenses see the AudioJungle FAQs.

What does ‘This item may not be property released’ mean? Can I still use this item in my project?

‘Not property released’ means that the author of the item you’ve purchased may not be the owner of the intellectual property rights in a real-world product or trademark that appears in the item. If an item contains a real-world product or trademark (or any other real object or building), the original owner of copyright, trademark or other rights in that real-world thing may not have cleared the item. If an item does not contain a real world product, trademark or other real object, then this notice doesn’t apply.

So if you want to use the item for your project, you’ll need to consider how you’ll be using the item. If it’s for a non-editorial purpose you’ll need to get clearance from the original rights owner. That’s because there is no connection between the original rights owner and Envato or the author. The original rights owner also does not endorse the item, the author or Envato.

For example, the author has created a 3D model of a Mercedes car. The car is a real-world product which the author did not create. Although the author created and owns the 3D model, they don’t own any intellectual property rights in the real car itself, Mercedes does. So it’s OK to use the 3D model for editorial purposes but if you want to use that 3D model for other purposes, you’ll need to contact Mercedes to get permission.

What are some examples of permitted end products?

  • You can buy a web template, add your text and images, and use it as your website.
  • You can buy an HTML site template, convert it to WordPress, and use it as your website (but not as a stock template for sale).
  • You can buy a flyer template, modify the text, print a flyer, and hand it out.
  • You can buy a game starter kit, compile it, and put the game on an app store.
  • You can buy a music track and use it in your radio or TV ad.
  • You can buy a sound effect and put it in your game.
  • You can buy an After Effects template, include your own footage, and use it for a show.
  • You can buy a photo to use in a blog post.
  • You can buy a t-shirt template, get it printed on shirts, sell the shirts.
  • You can buy a Photoshop brush, paint a digital painting using the brush, and sell the painting.
  • You can buy a JavaScript gallery, input your own images, and display the gallery on your site.
  • You can buy a 3d model, rig it, animate it, and include it in your game or movie.

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